15 MORE valid reasons to issue a news release

January 12, 2015

By Holly Rollins


Part two of two-part series.


Standing out these days from the barrage of content and media messages is becoming more and more difficult. According to a study from the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, in 2015 the sum of media asked for and delivered to consumers on mobile devices and to their homes will take more than 15 hours a day to see or hear. That volume is equal to 6.9 million gigabytes of information, or a daily consumption of nine DVDs worth of data per person, per day.

Here are news release ideas to help you STAND OUT:

    1. Creating a game-changing ap
    2. A newsworthy or emotional business video


Here are 13 more ideas worthy of a news release:

    1. Offering a free trial of your business’s service
    2. Announcing you are a speaker at an event
    3. Announcing you are available to speak in your industry
    4. Changing a product name
    5. Formation of an industry or company advisory board
    6. Company-sponsored survey or research results
    7. New client announcement
    8. Formation of a vendor agreement
    9. Overcoming a business challenge
    10. Reaching a major milestone
    11. Predictions for your industry 


Reminder: There are many more legitimate reasons to send out a news release. But the key to getting media exposure also entails the following:

    • Sending it to the right media for your product or service;
    • Sending out the right message;
    • Writing the release in AP style;
    • Having a relationship with the appropriate media, (always a positive).


Rollins is President of 10-x Group, a Greenville, SC-based content marketing and PR firm, which was recognized as a Content Maven 2014 by the national organization Content Marketing Institute.