City Forestry and Beautification Staff Earn Arborists Certification

December 16, 2007

COLUMBIA, SC – December 14, 2007 – Columbia’s Public Works announces the recent certification of two Forestry and Beautification employees as certified arborists. Amy Hunter and Arthur Strudwick recently met the standards and passed the written examination to hold the title of arborist.

The examination administered through the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and the local Chapter of the ISA is a voluntary program designed to assist the public in identifying professionals with a thorough knowledge of tree care practices.

Columbia’s Forestry and Beautification Superintendent, Sara Hollar says, “The certification establishes meaningful standards of quality necessary to provide the best possible care for our urban forest.  It also provides credibility and public assurance our staff is properly trained to perform tree care in our public properties.”