This Weeks Healthy SC Challenge Tips

September 23, 2007

Columbia, S.C. – September 21, 2007 – The Healthy SC Challenge is the Sanford family’s effort to get all South Carolinians to do just a little more to live a healthier lifestyle. The tips are designed to encourage individuals and communities to live healthier lifestyles in three categories – nutrition, exercise and help to quit smoking. The tips can also be found on the challenges website, .

Healthy Tips
Foodborne disease and illnesses continue to be a major public health concern.  The CDC estimates that foodborne disease causes 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,200 deaths each year in the US.  The Division of Food Protection has developed and adopted uniform regulations for food service operations throughout the state and has promoted the development and maintenance of food protection programs.  This includes thorough inspection of the 16,664+ retail food establishments in SC permitted requiring inspections and support services.  You can find the scores for your favorite eating establishments by referring the website link below. We hope that you will bookmark this site and refer to it whenever you plan to eat out in SC.

Physical Activity
Exercise videos are a good alternative to gym membership when there are monetary or logistic concerns. Before you warm up the VCR, however, you should make sure that the video you choose is right for you. Exercise tapes are like running shoes; one size does not fit all.

* Keep goals in perspective: While videos can motivate and inspire you, understand that they can’t shut your kitchen cabinet door or magically melt away 40 pounds in three weeks. It’s very important not to give in to all the hyped marketing surrounding many videos that may make unsubstantiated promises. In fact, any video that promises quick weight loss or instant results is probably unsafe and should be avoided.

* Find an inspiring instructor: Ideally, you should shop for a video that features a certified, experienced instructor who includes a warm-up and a cool-down in the workout. Avoid videos that feature a celebrity as the main selling point, especially if they try to teach the routine themselves without support from a trained fitness professional.  Also, it is important that the instructor offers alternatives to the main program if it is too difficult for you. These are usually referred to as modifications. Modifications are included in good videos for a reason, and you shouldn’t feel out of shape or otherwise embarrassed if you have to do a combination on the floor instead of an eight-inch steps.

* Strike a balance: No matter what style exercise video you choose – such as funk, ultimate step or yoga – work toward building a collection that fosters balance and overall conditioning. This includes aerobics, strength and stretching. Many tapes combine all of these factors.  Perhaps most importantly, dedicate yourself to whatever style or method gets your blood flowing and your body moving.
-America’s Council on Exercise,

Ask for support from coworkers, friends and family members. Ask for their tolerance. Let them know you’re quitting, and that you might be edgy or grumpy for a few days. If you don’t ask for support, you certainly won’t get any. If you do, you’ll be surprised how much it can help. Take a chance — try it and see! Don’t forget to ask friends and family members not to smoke in your presence. Don’t be afraid to ask. This is more important than you may realize.