All Things New

April 10, 2015


By Ruth Varner



Who has not found delight in something new? A new job, new car, a trip to a foreign country? The heart beats faster, the frown is smoothed, life is good.

What can rival the challenge of a new year or the warm radiance of a new day? Yesterday is forgotten in the lures of today.

Tempting book covers invite us to share a different world. Within pristine pages we connect with new characters and far-away lands all captured in the magic of the written word.

A surprise gift box arrives from a favorite clothier, its contents a mystery. Life pauses as each item is retrieved from a cocoon of tissue paper. The unexpected is fresh and intriguing.


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Our favorite artist creates a new wonder … a painting, poem, song, or garden; and we count the moments until we share its beauty. Anticipation makes us glow.

What is more appealing than a newborn: a sleeping child, an affectionate puppy, a fluffy chick? Unblemished life full of promise is a welcome sight.

When winter trudges past us with bare, brittle branches and a lifeless palette, the tiniest new bud exploding from a vine inspires reverence and hope.


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Something new might have been old to someone else. A treasured necklace or a set of china finds another life in different hands. One vintage bowl, preowned by a beloved aunt and inscribed with the artist’s initials, adds immeasurable grace to our table.


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A new home stirs the creativity of designer, homemaker and landscaper to refresh what is old. Change inspires flexible thinking.

New, innovative ideas are the beacons which save the world and offer hope.

In a garden of daylilies, each one has only a single day to reach out, open and thrill the world with its individual charm. The bloom is flawless, more precious for its brevity.

New is an attitude, a point of view, and an inspiration.

Has something new transformed your life?




Ruth Varner

Ruth Varner won first place in an amateur writing competition for Lake Murray Magazine. The award encouraged her focus on writing short stories, poems and essays, many of which have been published online, in newspapers and recently included in The Art of Medicine in Metaphors and A Sense of the Midlands. Her nonfiction aims to preserve and share the best in everyday experiences.

She can be reached at [email protected].




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