Bullet-Proof Your Business – Think before you speak

July 6, 2014

By Jerry Bellune 


Think before you speak

Last week we talked about two vital keys to profits.

If you missed that, email me for a copy.
Here are three more hints for business owners.


1. Use both ears, close one’s mouth.

Success in business depends on listening skills.

You need to listen a lot and think before you speak.

Anything you say will be taken at face value.

An offhand comment will go to the local gossip mill.

Your distorted words will come back to haunt you.

People don’t care about your past successes.

Keep that to yourself. They’ll find out in time.

They are watching what you say and do . . . now.


2. Show up at every event you can.

Build and maintain a network of support.

Ask for business cards. Follow up with a note.

Thank them for chatting with you.

Invite them to coffee to learn more about them.

Ask how you might help them achieve their goals.


Our local bank president took me to meet people.

He didn’t have to do it but he did.

Now I take new people around to meet others.

It’s a lesson he taught me well.


3. Pay attention to your veteran employees. 

Take them to lunch and hear their stories.
They know what the problems are.

You need them in your corner.

Listen and you’ll learn from them.


In every business I’ve entered I took one first step.

I invited everyone to sit down and talk privately.

It took a lot of time but it was necessary.

They had to know I wanted their thinking.

This told them I cared about them and their ideas.

Some times they lose sight of who we work for.

So I ask them for their thoughts on our clients.

What do our clients want and need from us.

All their ideas are worthwhile, based on experience.

It’s amazing how perceptive they are.


Recommended reading

My new book is “What It Costs to Be the Boss.”

It is all about leadership in business and in life.

It gives you a blueprint for successful leadership.

For a copy, email me at [email protected]

Next: Make time for your clients.

© 2014 The Bellune Company, Inc.

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