Buncombe Street United Methodist Church Awards $305K in Grants for 2015

June 16, 2015

GREENVILLE, SC – Buncombe Street United Methodist Church (BSUMC) announces that the annual Sisk Foundation grants have been made for 2015. The Sisk Foundation, established in 1972 at BSUMC, provides a way for the church to take care of the less fortunate in the community. During the 1970s, John Kelly Sisk, a member of BSUMC, recognized that the pastor of the church was inundated with requests from people in need. He gave $2,000 to BSUMC to be used for “food, fuel, shelter – whatever people need who come to the church seeking help.” During his lifetime Sisk gave nearly $500K, and upon his sudden death at age 67, left more than two million dollars to BSUMC in order for the church to continue the work his earlier contributions had funded. Today, Sisk’s legacy continues to grow and to serve humanity, just as he had wanted. Funds are given for aid to the sick, elderly, needy, and addicted in the Greater Greenville area.


The 2015 grants are:

Center for Developmental Services, $15,000

Child Development Center of Buncombe Street United Methodist Church, $30,000

Compass of Carolina, $13,000

Crisis Ministry of Buncombe Street UMC, $85,000

Emmanuel’s Hammer, $10,000

Greenville Area Interfaith Hospitality Network, $20,000

Greenville Free Medical Clinic, $30,000

Greenville Literacy Association, $500

Loaves and Fishes, $10,000

North Greenville Food Crisis Ministry, $7,000

ReWiGo Ministries, $2,500

Safe Harbor, Inc., $10,000

Taylors Free Medical Clinic, $10,000

Triune Mercy Center, $20,000

United Ministries, $35,000

Urban League of the Upstate, $5,000

YouthBASE, $2,000

Sisk Foundation grants are distributed within the Greater Greenville area, including Greenville County, the eastern half of Pickens County, and the northeastern corner of Anderson County. The grants are awarded without regard to race, religion, ethnic-cultural, or political beliefs. Applications are reviewed by the Sisk Foundation Advisory Board annually. For more information on the Sisk Foundation, visit the church’s website (www.bsumc.com), or call the church office (864-232-7341).

Buncombe Street United Methodist Church is located in downtown Greenville, SC, in the block bordered by Academy, College, Buncombe, and Richardson Streets. The church has served the Greenville community since 1834 with the mission “To Be and To Make Disciples of Christ.” To learn more about the church, visit the website (www.bsumc.com).