By Deborah OConnor March 4, 2014

March 3, 2014
By Deborah O’Connor
March 4, 2014

As you all know, I encourage my readers to send in questions. I received an interesting one that I would like to share.

Dear Deborah,

I am at a loss with my current situation at work. Recently, I was taking notes in my boss’ office when he suggested that I looked stressed and he began massaging my neck behind me. I was paralyzed and didn’t say anything but I got up and excused myself. I really did not know what to do. I want to keep my job and eventually be promoted but I want him to know that I am uncomfortable with any touching. I know this is improper conduct, but I do not want to lose my job and I am not sure what to do. Please help!”

~ Uncomfortable Personal Assistant

Dear Uncomfortable:

If you feel that you have been violated, you should report this to Human Resources. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, you need to address the situation with your boss. Sometimes, a short, to-the-point conversation can do wonders. Whatever you choose to do, you need to be proactive so that you can prevent this type of behavior from happening again. The biggest mistake you can make is to do nothing. People who think they can get away with inappropriate behavior will continue to do so. It is your responsibility to do something about it. I know it is scary and it is not always easy, but you must take some type of action. You will feel much better and may prevent this from happening to someone else. Remember, you did not do anything wrong. Do not be afraid to speak up. It is highly unlikely that anything punitive will happen to you regarding your job because you are in the right. Best of luck to you.

~ Deborah

Please feel free to send questions to [email protected]. I will answer them in my weekly column.

Deborah O’Connor is a social strategist and founder and president of Successful Image LLC with offices in Columbia and Atlanta. She offers training and seminars on image management, workplace etiquette, and social skills necessary to succeed in life professionally and personally. Contact at:  [email protected]