Charleston Metro Chamber releases statement on Leon Stavrinakis endorsement

October 26, 2015
CHARLETON, SC – The Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce released the following statement regarding their endorsement of Leon Stavrinakis, City of Charleston Mayoral candidate:
“Leon Stavrinakis has a long, proven track record of supporting and funding Charleston roads. He is committed to finishing I-526, fixing our traffic problems and investing in local roads. That proven record and commitment is why the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce has enthusiastically endorsed Leon’s campaign for Mayor of Charleston.
Leon in fact voted to keep our tax dollars right here at home and spend millions in local Charleston road projects rather than sending more money to Columbia. Leon’s record on infrastructure funding is second to none. He helped secure over $400 million for I-526, $300 million for our Port, and over a billion dollars in other Charleston road projects. No one will fight harder to improve Charleston roads than Leon Stavrinakis and that’s why the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce wholeheartedly supports his campaign for Mayor,” said Bryan Derreberry, President and CEO of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce.
View Stavrinakis’s voting record in the Chamber’s State Legislative Scorecard.
The CMCC PAC, established in September 2000 as the political arm of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, is a non-partisan political action committee organized to support candidates at the local level who contribute to the region’s economic vitality and prosperity.
For more information about the CMCC PAC, visit
About the Chamber: With 1,600 member organizations representing 125,000 professionals, the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce serves as the collective voice of the business community, and a catalyst for advancing the region’s economy and enhancing members’ success through Advocacy, Innovation, Talent and Business Advancement.