Charleston Regional Development Alliance Supports Removal Of Confederate Battle Flag From Statehouse Grounds

June 25, 2015

NORTH CHARLESTON, SC – “The Charleston Regional Development Alliance (CRDA) Board of Directors unanimously supports Governor Nikki Haley, numerous elected and business leaders, and South Carolina’s citizens in calling for the removal of the Confederate Battle Flag from the Statehouse grounds. Removing the flag and placing it in the Confederate Relic Room & Military Museum is an important first step towards building lasting peace, unity, and healing.

The Charleston region is a global destination for trade, talent and tourism. Our community’s economic growth and success is the result of hard work, collaboration and cooperation of many working towards a common goal. Division will negatively affect our ability to compete and curtail future economic opportunities. The world is taking notice of Charleston and South Carolina. The steps our leaders take today will impact lives for generations to come.”


           David T

Lonnie Carter                             David Ginn

Board Chairman                        President & CEO

CRDA                                           CRDA



About the Charleston Regional Development Alliance

The Charleston Regional Development Alliance is a professional economic development organization representing Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties in South Carolina. With a large and growing network of business, academic and governmental partners, the CRDA directly assists companies with competitive location or expansion projects by connecting them with the right people, the appropriate resources and the most meaningful and relevant information. The CRDA promotes the Charleston region’s business, academic and lifestyle strengths worldwide to attract the world’s best companies, entrepreneurs and professional talent. Ultimately, the goal is to strengthen regional employment, build our base of high-value industries, and significantly improve the economic future for all who live and work in the greater Charleston area.