Citizens urged to report flood-exposed archaeological and paleontological sites

November 4, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – The recent historic flooding in South Carolina may have exposed archaeological and paleontological sites. The South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) at the University of South Carolina and the South Carolina State Museum are urging citizens to report these potential sites to appropriate authorities for official identification.

To record these sites SCIAA and other state agencies are embarking on a project called the South Carolina Archaeological and Paleontological Flood Impact Assessment.


Project researchers, who include State Archaeologist Jon Leader and State Underwater Archaeologist James Spirek, will investigate known sites to assess potential erosion or damages caused by the floods, as well as respond to reports by the public concerning newly discovered sites exposed through erosion or scouring. SCIAA already has received several public reports concerning the exposure of several underwater sites including some barges, a dug-out canoe and the fossilized remains of a mammoth.


The influx of water that caused major damage to houses, roads and bridge systems also have altered the landscape causing erosion to the riverbanks and waterways of the state. Spirek says many of these areas have been occupied by people for hundreds of years, and archaeological sites related to the prehistory and history of South Carolina have been exposed or damaged.


“Due to the large volumes of water draining from the impacted areas in the Midlands and Lowcountry, we anticipate scouring and erosion to have exposed a variety of archaeological sites adjacent the banks. These may include Native American habitation sites consisting of pottery and lithic points, and other sites on the bottoms of the rivers that may have caused scouring at shipwrecks,” Spirek says.


Additionally, the floods likely uncovered submerged fossil deposits residing in state waterways, he says.


Spirek and Leader need for the public to report sites so that they can be assessed, documented and have plans developed for their preservation.



Citizens may encounter four types of sites:


·       Archaeological sites on land — both prehistoric and historic — and cemeteries.  Contact the state archaeologist (Leader).

·       Archaeological sites — both prehistoric and historic — submerged or near the water. Contact the state underwater archaeologist (Spirek).

·       Paleontological sites on land or in the rivers and waterways. Contact the curator of the natural history at the South Carolina State Museum (David Cicimurri).

·       Historic buildings and monuments that have been damaged or exposed. Contact the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (Elizabeth Johnson).


Below is contact information for reporting potential sites:


State Archaeologist:  Jonathan M. Leader
South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology

College of Arts and Sciences
University of South Carolina

Phone: 803-576-6560

Email: [email protected]


State Underwater Archaeologist: James Spirek
South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology
College of Arts and Sciences

University of South Carolina

Phone: 803-576-6566

Email: [email protected]


Curator of Natural History: David Cicimurri

South Carolina State Museum

Phone: 803-898-4946

Email: [email protected]


Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer: Elizabeth Johnson

South Carolina Department of Archives and History

Phone: 803-896-6168

Email: [email protected]