Core Advisors Celebrates America Saves Week
February 25, 2009COLUMBIA, SC – February 25, 2009 – To celebrate America Saves Week from Feb. 22 to March 1, Core Advisors will join thousands of other financial planning firms, nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies, corporations and individuals nationwide to educate the public about the benefits of saving.
The mission of America Saves Week, which was organized by the nonprofit America Saves Campaign, is to employ “societal encouragement and support” in the hope that more Americans will “build wealth, not debt.” The program specifically focuses on people lacking retirement savings as well as lower-income households with inadequate emergency savings.
“This is a great time for savings reflection,” said Core Advisors President Thomas Gore. “By really taking the time to assess your financial progress and setbacks, you can begin to save smart.”
Industries from across the economic sector see America Saves Week as an opportunity to educate individuals and families on better savings practices. Employers reevaluate company retirement and savings plans, making them more employee-friendly. Banks promote automatic transfers to savings and investment funds, while nonprofit organizations and financial educators explain complicated savings issues to the public.
Participants for America Saves Week 2009 range from more than 30 government agencies including U.S. Department of Defense and Federal Reserve Board to nonprofits like the American Association of Retired Persons and Fortune 500 companies American Express and GlaxoSmithKline.
“The best part of America Saves Week is that it’s all-encompassing,” Gore said. “Key players from across the board are converging to improve America’s personal savings system. Core Advisors is excited to be part of that movement, especially right here in South Carolina.”
Working under a fee-only business model, Core Advisors focuses on building and managing wealth for busy professionals and specializes in comprehensive financial planning for healthcare professionals. Core Advisors was conceived to provide objective, highly targeted advice for healthcare and related professions. With comprehensive services ranging from basic financial plans to complex investment advice, the company is working to bring a smart, personal touch to South Carolina financial planning.
To learn more about Core Advisors, call (803) 941-4440 or e-mail [email protected].