Councilwoman Julie-Ann Dixon promotes R2 Ready to Read Book Drive

February 15, 2016

Richland County citizens will have the opportunity to provide books to our youngest residents during the month of February.

Councilwoman Julie-Ann Dixon, who represents District 9, is promoting the R2 Ready to Read book drive, in partnership with Richland School District Two.

During the month of February, Richland County Government will collect new and gently used books for Pre-K to Second (2nd) grade reading levels.  Labeled bins are located on each level of the Richland County Administration Building (2020 Hampton Street), and the Richland County Sheriff’s Department Headquarters (5623 Two Notch Road) for this purpose.

Your donation of books will help increase summer reading for Richland County’s youngest residents, while promoting and encouraging their parents to read to them.  According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), “children who are read to at home enjoy a substantial advantage over children who are not.”  Children who were read to recognized letters of the alphabet more readily than those who were not; children who are read to are also more likely to count to 20, or higher, write their own names, and read, or pretend to read, than those who were not.

“It is so important that our children learn to read, and become lifelong readers.  Readers are proven to be leaders.  I encourage each of us to do our part to support today’s children in becoming tomorrow’s leaders.”

While the goal of Richland School District Two is 30,000 – 40,000 books, which will provide each student in Pre-K to 2nd grade with 10 books for their home library for summer reading, Ms. Dixon’s goal is to collect 10,000 books at the aforementioned Richland County facilities.  Please do your part, and help Ms. Dixon achieve this goal!