Cultural Center receives educational grant from Piedmont Natural Gas

March 20, 2016

Piedmont Natural Gas has awarded a $2500 grant to Chapman Cultural Center for the advancement of its STEAM educational efforts. STEAM is a national education movement that aims to strengthen the workforce by giving more emphasis to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Originally, the movement didn’t include art, but very quickly educators have recognized art and creativity as intrinsic to the utilization of the hard sciences in the workplace.

The check was presented to Chapman’s Senior Development Director Lisa Hemond by Piedmont’s Community Relations Manager Michael M. Durham Thursday, March 3, at the Center.

Piedmont Natural Gas Check to CCC“We are very thrilled and humbled to request funding support from Piedmont Natural Gas in support of our STEAM education programs at Chapman Cultural Center and throughout Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union Counties,” Hemond said. “As a conduit for the schools in science camps and creativity, our ultimate goal is to improve academic success in these counties with our comprehensive series of educational and outreach services; connecting professional scientists and artists with students and helping teachers better integrate art and science into the classroom. With a determination to reach underserved students, we reach over 83,000 children and their teachers, opening their minds daily to creativity and innovation in our schools and at Chapman Cultural Center. When the schools are closed, we are open and overflowing with opportunities for science engagement through summer camps, robotics camps, Lego clubs and organizations and many other STEAM activities.”

“Piedmont Natural Gas is committed to increasing educational opportunities in the communities where we live and work,” said Durham. “Chapman Cultural Center’s STEAM programming will help better prepare students for their future careers, and we’re pleased to offer our support.”