Deborah OConnor October 29, 2013

October 28, 2013
By Deborah O’Connor
October 29, 2013

There are a number of things that you can do to immediately help you become more successful in the workplace. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

•    Use Proper Office Etiquette. Using good manners goes a long way to making a good impression on co-workers as well as your boss.

•    Be wise when making a decision on whether or not to come into work sick.  Of course you want your boss to think you are dedicated, but it shows a lack of good judgment to come to work sick. Not only will you be less productive, you can spread germs around the office and make others sick.

•    Manage your time effectively. Finishing projects in a timely manner will not only impress your superiors, you will also garner the respect of your co-workers. They will see you as someone who they can count on.

•    Dress appropriately. Always wear appropriate attire at work. Dressing too sloppy or too sexy can ruin the image you’ve taken pains to acquire. One bad dressing day can negate 10 great ones.

•    Know what topics to avoid. Many of us don’t always think before we bring up a controversial subject. Avoid politics, religion, sex, health problems, and personal issues. This can help prevent you from making a bad impression.

•    Face up to your mistakes. We all make mistakes. This is inevitable and the way to handle it is to own up to it right away. Don’t try to ignore it or sugarcoat it, don’t blame others, just admit you were wrong. Then try to find a solution to fix it.

•    Don’t offend your co-workers. Try to show your co-workers the respect you would like to receive. No one wants a troublemaker in the workplace and you don’t want your boss to think you are that person.

•    Be an excellent representative of your company at meetings and conferences. You are representing your company and making a good impression on attendees at meetings will invariably get back to your boss. Dress appropriately for the occasion, gather information to bring back, and network wisely.

•    Come through in a crisis. When things go wrong at work, you want to be the person who goes into action mode. You do not want to be the employee who does nothing or complains. The employee who deals with crises quickly, thoughtfully and effectively is going to be the one noticed by your boss.

By taking some extra time and thought, you can be successful at work. When it comes time for promotions or special projects, you want your name to come up first.

Deborah O’Connor is a social strategist and founder and president of Successful Image LLC with offices in Columbia and Atlanta. She offers training and seminars on image management, workplace etiquette, and social skills necessary to succeed in life professionally and personally. Contact at:  [email protected]