Dimitri Cherny is the official Democratic Congressional candidate to replace Mark Sanford in the 1st congressional district of South Carolina

April 11, 2016

With the closing of the South Carolina Election Commission candidate filing period on March 30th, Dimitri Cherny, the well-­loved social justice advocate from Charleston, was confirmed as the official Democratic candidate challenging Mark Sanford in the general election on Tuesday, November 8th.

Cherny declared his candidacy in January, running on a platform of economic justice and equal representation for all the residents of the Lowcountry.

“Having a policy of “no government spending” is to willfully allow our communities to crumble around us. Our roads, bridges, schools, public transit, small towns, social fabric, and even our climate, all deemed low spending priorities, are being ignored,” says Cherny.

“As it stands now, we’re leaving our children an America and a planet in worse conditions than we found them, and little hope that the next generations can ever make them better. As the poster-boy for ‘no government spending’, Mark Sanford must be replaced and new priorities for federal spending must be enacted to stop the crumbling and make America and the Lowcountry better for our kids and grandkids. That’s what I mean by economic justice, leaving behind a better world when our stewardship is done.”

Cherny continued, “We must end the fear so many of us have who are unable to break out of the cycle of living paycheck-to-paycheck. Even many of us on seemingly solid financial ground would be facing disaster with just an injury or illness in our families. Instead of a social safety net – a net with holes that people fall through – America needs a solid economic base that we can all rest upon and never fall through. This base will ensure a living wage, universal healthcare, quality public education through college, affordable housing, ubiquitous public transit, expanded social security, and other public services that citizens in the rest of the developed world have enjoyed for decades. Yet the richest country in the history of the world can’t afford to provide the same quality of life for it’s citizens? I don’t buy that. It’s time we changed our national spending priorities from subsidizing additional profits for Wall Street, to improving the quality of life here on Main Street. That’s what I call economic justice.”

Find out more about Dimitri Cherny and his campaign for Congress at