District Five announces Teacher of the Year, Support Employee of the Year

May 21, 2015

IRMO, SC – Lexington-Richland School District Five announced its 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year and Support Employee of the Year during a May 20 ceremony.

Kevin Hebert, a Chapin High School band teacher, was named District Five’s 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year during the district’s Employee Recognition Program. Brenda Macaluso, a teacher assistant at Chapin Middle School, was named Support Employee of the Year.


Kevin Hebert Brenda Macaluso (1)

Kevin Hebert, Brenda Macaluso

District Five Superintendent Dr. Stephen Hefner said, “District Five is great because of the many caring and talented teachers and support staff we have in our schools, and Mr. Hebert and Ms. Macaluso represent the best of the best in our district.  We congratulate them and thank them for their hard work, dedication, and all they do to make District Five successful.”

Hebert has 13 years of teaching experience, including five years in his present position at Chapin High School. He has a bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of South Carolina and is currently working on his master’s degree in music education.


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Photo: Richland County Councilman Bill Malinowski; District Five board members Larry Haltiwanger, Sr., Jan Hammond, Jondy Loveless and Ellen Baumgardner; District Five 2015-2016 Support Employee of the Year Brenda Macaluso; District Five 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year Kevin Hebert; District Five Superintendent Dr. Stephen Hefner; and District Five Board Chairman Beth Hutchison. District Five announced its 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year and Support Employee of the Year during a May 20 Employee Recognition ceremony.

“Being named teacher of the year is a great honor,” said Hebert, who has been listed among the best music educators in the country by the national publication School Band and Orchestra. “I was raised in this district, went to schools in this district, and always felt like it had the best teachers and schools around. So, to now be named Teacher of the Year for District Five is a very proud moment.”

Macaluso is a graduate of Louisiana State University and has been with the district for five years. “This is unbelievable…I am very proud and honored,” she said during the ceremony. “Support employees play an important role in our schools. No matter the position we are all supporting our students and one another, so it’s a tremendous honor to represent support employees district-wide.”