EdVenture announces EdCeptional Kids Open House and Kids Mini Conference

August 11, 2016


EdVenture’s EdCeptional Kids program will host two events to reach the caretakers of children with disabilities. An open house on Sunday, August 28, from 5-7 p.m. will showcase help organizations from around South Carolina and provide resource information about children with disabilities. The gathering will provide caregivers a place to meet others with similar challenges.

On Saturday, September 24, EdVenture will host a mini-conference from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Caretakers and professionals are invited to hear from medical professionals, researchers and other experts working to improve the lives of children with disabilities with the most recent findings for early intervention, inclusion and treatment for children with disabilities.

“EdVenture is thrilled to be able to provide a forum and point of contact for caregivers to such a supporting community,” says Kathie Williams, EdVenture’s Director of Family and Community Health.

EdCeptional Kids initiative is designed to empower parents and caregivers of children with disabilities to become more activity involved in their child’s education. EdVenture strives to provide resources to families to bridge the gap between school and community resources. EdVenture recognizes the need for all parents to be involved in their child’s education, but parents of children with disabilities are often overwhelmed by the amount of resources available, while others are unaware of the resources to be found in their community.

Using 21st century learning skills such as critical thinking, innovation and collaboration, EdVenture provides unique hands-on, interactive learning experiences for family, school and group audiences to experience their world and the joy of learning. EdVenture’s educational experiences directly support classroom learning and inspire students to dig deeper into a world of knowledge.


EdVenture is a not-for-profit educational institution dedicated to creating new generations of lifelong learners through museum experiences, afterschool programming and camps. Helping shape a new generation of people who love to learn is at the core of all we do. In fact, our mission is to inspire children, youth and the adults who care about them to experience the joy of learning as individuals, as families and as a community.