Entrepreneur Minute – Dr. Katrina Spigner, Re-Source Solutions

May 17, 2018

The MidlandsBiz Entrepreneur Minute is a quick, one minute interview in support of entrepreneurship.

We would like to thank our sponsors of this video series – Wells Fargo and Bauknight, Pietras and Stormer.




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Dr. Katrina Spigner, President & CEO, Re-Source Solutions

Dr. Katrina Spigner, affectionately known as “Dr. K”, is the President & CEO of Re-Source Solutions, LLC, a personal and professional growth and development company. She is a certified personal and executive coach, a business consultant, and inspirational speaker, an author and a professor.

Dr. K has decades of experience as a senior leader in the nonprofit, philanthropic, and higher education sectors. She has coached individuals and spoken to audiences all over the country.


Katrina Spigner, President & CEO, Re-Source Solutions from MidlandsBiz on Vimeo.