Entrepreneur Minute – Mike Yost, FRD Accel

June 8, 2023

The Who’s on the Move, Entrepreneur Minute is an interview in support of the undeniable impact that entrepreneurs have on our communities. We will be highlighting 20 entrepreneurs in each of our markets (Columbia, Greenville and Charleston) with a short video as well as a full audio version of the conversation on our WhosOnTheMove SC podcast. You will see a diverse group of entrepreneurs and we will be exploring the theme of overcoming obstacles.

We would like to thank our sponsors of this video series:


Mike Yost , FRD Accel

FRD Accel, a subsidiary of the Zucker Institute at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), is an organization focused on commercializing groundbreaking technologies originating from MUSC’s research endeavors. With a for-profit model, FRD Accel aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry by leveraging the innovative discoveries and developments made at MUSC. By providing strategic guidance, funding, and industry partnerships, FRD Accel propels these technologies from the laboratory to the market, transforming them into viable commercial products that benefit society. Through its collaborative approach, FRD Accel fosters innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth in the healthcare sector.