Entrepreneur Minute – Sandy Hanebrink, Touch the Future

August 14, 2017

The UpstateBizSC Entrepreneur Minute is a one minute interview in support of entrepreneurship.

We would like to thank our sponsors of this video series – Wells Fargo and Bauknight, Pietras and Stormer.




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Sandy Hanebrink, Touch the Future

Touch the Future’s vision is a technologically connected world that is accessible and inclusive, providing equal opportunities and maximum independence for all. Sandy Hanebrink , the Founder, she lives in the Upstate and consults with companies and government agencies across South Carolina to help improve their programs and accessibility. The organization seeks to create accessible, inclusive and environmentally sustainable communities that increase opportunities for independence, health and improved quality of life for individuals who are disabled.

There are over 57 million people in the United States with a disability.  They represent a huge, untapped market for business.


Sandy Hanebrink, Touch the Future from MidlandsBiz on Vimeo.