Entrepreneur Minute – Todd Usher, Addison Homes

November 16, 2023

The Who’s on the Move, Entrepreneur Minute is an interview in support of the undeniable impact that entrepreneurs have on our communities. We will be highlighting 20 entrepreneurs in each of our markets (Columbia, Greenville and Charleston) with a short video as well as a full audio version of the conversation on our WhosOnTheMove SC podcast. You will see a diverse group of entrepreneurs and we will be exploring the theme of overcoming obstacles.

We would like to thank our sponsors of this video series:


Todd Usher, Addison Homes

Founder Todd Usher is a Clemson University grad who worked eight years at Milliken & Company while renovating houses on the side. Inspired to build his own business, he experienced an “aha” moment while attending an EarthCraft House™ training course: Todd realized a personal commitment to sustainable principles—complemented by well-defined processes and procedures—could be the keystone of a residential construction firm.

Thus in 2002, Addison Homes became the only Greenville SC builder to certify 100% of its homes to rigorous “green” performance standards.

Addison Homes builds healthy, high-performance homes which feature increased comfort and durability, better indoor air quality, greater energy efficiency, and sustainable materials. Headquartered in Greenville, SC, Addison homes are constructed to meet stringent national standards that exceed current building codes and emphasize thoughtful design and sustainability features that deliver lower operating costs and reduced maintenance.