Evan Guthrie Law Firm takes Time To Judge Charleston SC Law School National Moot Court Competition

March 18, 2013

CHARLESTON, SC – March 18, 2013 – Evan Guthrie of the Evan Guthrie Law Firm in Charleston, South Carolina helped judge the Charleston School of Law National Moot Court Competition held in Charleston, SC on Friday February 8th 2013. The competition featured law students from law schools across the country arguing a case in front of a panel of judges. Attorney Guthrie was joined on the judge panel with judges, attorneys, and law professors from the Charleston area and throughout the state of South Carolina. Law schools that participated in the moot court contest included DePaul University College of Law, Florida Coastal School of Law, Florida State University College of Law, Howard University School of Law, Massachusetts School of Law, Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law, University of Cincinnati School of Law, University of Maryland School of Law, Widener University School of Law, and William & Mary Law School.

The winners of the competition were Florida Coastal School of Law students Nina Cano and Alexandra Amador with Cano also being named the Best Oralist of the championship round. Students were scored on the basis of their arguments in the content of their arguments, their body language, speech, and other aspects. Judges had the opportunity to interrupt the students during their arguments and ask questions about the case or follow up questions on their arguments. This was the second year that attorney Guthrie was able to participate in the competition as a judge. Mr. Guthrie enjoyed being on the other side of the court as a judge and was able to have a different perspective from being a lawyer. Attorney Guthrie was also impressed with the level of preparation and skill that the law students demonstrated during the different rounds that he was able to judge. All of the participants looked courtroom ready and were able to handle the pressure of answering questions from all of the judges. Mr. Guthrie looks forward to being involved as a judge in future law school competitions.

For more on this event please visit http://www.ekglaw.com/post/42852320066/friday-february-8th-2013-evan-guthrie-law-firm

Evan Guthrie Law Firm is licensed to practice law throughout the state of South Carolina. The Evan Guthrie Law Firm practices in the areas of estate planning probate wills living trust special needs trusts personal injury accident and divorce and family law and entertainment law. Evan Guthrie Law Firm 164 Market Street Suite 362 Charleston SC 29401 843-926-3813