First annual South Carolina Film Festival to be held online

September 2, 2016

The 2016 South Carolina Film Festival will be the first festival of its kind to be held entirely on the internet.

The South Carolina Film Institute will host the first annual South Carolina Film Festival on Monday September 5th. This festival will be the first of its kind to be held on-line at WWW.FB.COM/SCFILMTV. The festival will screen 8 films from filmmakers in and around the Carolinas and Georgia.

“We believe filmmakers can achieve maximum exposure to movie fans and potential distributors by hosting the festival online”, says festival director Marcus McCall. “Traditionally filmmakers would have to screen their films in theaters that hold about 40 people. By hosting on-line we can expose these films to the world and make it easier for filmmakers to show their movie to an unlimited audience.”


For a list of films to be screened and other details please contact Festival Director Marcus McCall at [email protected]