Get Fit and Raise Cash for Charity

October 30, 2009

Local residents join worldwide SHRINK-A-THON movement

COLUMBIA, SC – October 30, 2009 – A SHRINK-A-Thon operates much like a “walk-a-thon” only instead of “walking” participants shed excess pounds.  Picture children trying to raise money for their school, as they ask neighbors to pledge 50 cents for every lap they walk, but now instead of children, think of adults working in teams to lose weight while supporting a variety of worthy non-profits.   

Local SHRINK-A-Thon organizer,  Maryann Cady  says, “Our goal is to help local residents collectively lose 3,000 pounds. If we are successful that should raise  $100,000  for Children’s Hunger Fund and other local charities which are to be determined.  Reaching our goal is dependent upon three main factors: how many participants are involved, how much weight they lose, and how many pledges they get. We are very excited to not only help the children, but also to help our city get healthy!” 

Each weight loss team will have 10-20 members and meet weekly for 12 weeks. They will receive training from professional weight loss coaches on what they call the “four legs of success” that contribute to long-term permanent weight loss. To learn more about the weight loss program readers can go to

Worldwide SHRINK-A-Thon organizers have a goal to raise $1 Million for charity.  Here in Columbia, S.C., local organizers have chosen to support one of the nation’s most esteemed charities, Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF).  CHF has been recognized by Forbes magazine, Ministry Watch and Charity Navigator for program efficiency; more than 99% of its revenue goes to serving needy children. CHF’s programs include food and clothing distribution at home, as well as support of orphanages and feeding programs worldwide. CHF has distributed more than $700 million in relief aid to children.

Dave Phillips, President and Founder of Children’s Hunger Fund, says, “These days, families across North America are feeling the crunch of a waning economy. Many families are experiencing for the first time the reality of poverty.  We are grateful to participants of the SHRINK-A-Thon who have chosen to raise funds for CHF. The contributions they make will help us respond to the needs of the children who desperately need our help, both here at home and around the world.”

Using a weight loss curriculum, modeled after several clinical trials done under the guidelines of the FDA, participants can expect  to shrink their waistlines and have more energy, but also, as was experienced in the clinical trials, they are expected to see blood sugar, insulin sensitivity, triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood pressure improve. 

Bob Mihalyov, SHRINK-A-Thon co-founder, says, “It would be enough if this was just about raising money for charity, but the accompanying health benefits are amazing.  Nearly 50% of our population has Diabetes, pre-diabetes, or Metabolic Syndrome– and most don’t even know it.  Weight loss is the best way to counteract these conditions, and the average participant in our program loses 10% of their body weight in 12 weeks.”

To get involved as a Sponsor, Team Captain, or weight loss participant, go to and click on the “Get Started” link OR the “Contact Me” link.

Teams forming now!