Gov. Haley and fellow governors oppose Iran Nuclear Agreement

September 8, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – Governor Nikki Haley and fourteen fellow governors sent a letter to President Barack Obama, this morning, opposing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

The governors expressed their frustration that lifting federal sanctions against Iran would “result in Iran having more money available to fund terrorist groups and attacks.”

Gov. Haley and her colleagues also voiced concern regarding paragraph 25 of the letter, which would “actively encourage” states to lift any state-level sanctions against Iran. The governors said, “We wish to make it clear to you in advance of any efforts to implement paragraph 25 that we intend to ensure that the various state-level sanctions that are now in effect remain in effect.”

A copy of the letter can be found here.

Fellow governors who signed the letter include: Doug Ducey of Arizona, Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, Rick Scott of Florida, Mike Pence of Indiana, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Phil Bryant of Mississippi, Chris Christie of New Jersey, Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota, John Kasich of Ohio, Mary Fallin of Oklahoma, Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota, Greg Abbott of Texas, Gary Herbert of Utah, and Scott Walker of Wisconsin