Greenville Network Care Unwinds Tension with Gentler Chiropractic Technique

May 18, 2015

GREENVILLE, SC – Dr. Karen Lumb, D.C., chiropractor and owner of new Greenville Network Care, seeks to fight the negative effects of stress with a gentle chiropractic technique known as Network Spinal Analysis (NSA).

“Due to today’s constant environmental stressors,” states Dr. Lumb–known by her patients as Dr. Karen–“our bodies develop responses to stress from an early age. Because we are all unique individuals, the effects of stress are going to show up differently in each person. I can treat the widest range of stress-induced health problems with NSA.”

Today, 75 to 90% of all doctor’s visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has declared stress a hazard of the workplace. Stress is linked to impaired immune function, difficulty regulating emotions, and break down of various body systems in children and adults alike. Common health problems related to stress physiology include headaches, allergies, high blood pressure, digestive problems, diabetes, arthritis, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping.

Chiropractors have found that attending to the nervous system is key in staying healthy in a stress-filled world. “When we are faced with stressful situations,” notes Dr. Karen, “we automatically go into the ‘fight or flight’ response which, over time, causes tension to build up in our bodies.” A great deal of this tension is placed on the spine. Like a spring under tension, the spine readies the body to break into action. Over time, this spinal tension has a degrading effect on our bodies, emotions, and minds.

Using NSA, Dr. Karen is able to optimize the way the brain and body communicate by releasing the buildup of tension in the spine. A gentle precise touch to the spine releases tension in the nerves without any twisting, popping, or “cracking.” Because of its subtle nature, Network Spinal Analysis can be used on children, the elderly, and everyone in between.

“The main goal of NSA is to help the nervous system adapt to stress more effectively,” says Dr. Karen, “When the nervous system is no longer in ‘fight or flight’ mode, immune function improves and healing occurs.” People who receive Network Care notice that they experience less physical pain, can navigate stressful and challenging circumstances more easily, and are less anxious, irritable, and depressed.

“In addition to relief of health problems,” states Dr. Karen, “my patients report a resurgence of positive emotions and a zest for life. Addressing our bodies’ tension at the source is the key to regaining health and thriving in today’s world.”


About Dr. Karen Lumb, D.C.

Dr. Karen holds a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College of Chiropractic and is a member of the International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations (IFCO), the Association for Reorganizational Healing Practices (ARHP), the South Carolina Chapter of the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), and the Greenville Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Karen opened Greenville Network Care in June, 2014.