How Can We Fix the Injured Nervous System? EngenuitySC’s Science Café with Dr. Jeff Twiss, April 14, 2015

March 30, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – Is it possible to not just heal – but reverse – damage to the nervous system? On Tuesday, April 14, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., SmartState® Chair and University of South Carolina professor Dr. Jeff Twiss, M.D., Ph.D. will explain his extensive research in neural repair at EngenuitySC’s Science Café, held at Speakeasy pub in Columbia, S.C.

The SmartState® Endowed Chair in Childhood Neurotherapeutics and professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at USC, Dr. Twiss’ research focuses on repairing dysfunction in the communication process within the nervous system, caused by injury or disease, resulting in previously-assumed permanent damage to the brain and spinal cord.

Dr. Twiss and his team’s work concentrates on neurons’ intrinsic mechanisms for regeneration that they suspect can be used to accelerate regeneration in slowly regenerating neurons, and overcome growth inhibitory environments as seen in major neural systems like the brain and spinal cord, where neural damage has long been accepted as permanent.

Understanding more about neural repair may one day lead to ways to improve function for those suffering from neurological conditions in the form of autism disorders, Parkinson’s disease and more, as well as opening doors to reversing damage and being able to repair once-permanent damage to the brain and spinal cord – a groundbreaking possibility.

Dr. Twiss earned his B.A. in Chemistry from the College of Charleston, and his M.D. and Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the Medical University of South Carolina. His research has been published in more than two-dozen scientific journals and articles since 2010.


About Science Café
EngenuitySC hosts Science Café at 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month, featuring informal presentations by some of South Carolina’s top leaders in science and technology in a casual atmosphere. Guests enjoy networking and a cash bar with high quality beer, wine and cocktails at Speakeasy in Five Points, a comfortable, pub-style environment with couches and expert mixologists behind the bar. Patrons have the opportunity to discuss the latest knowledge economy topics with leading researchers in a relaxed environment that encourages questions, interruptions and discussion. For more information and to register for free admission (and perks) for the next Science Café, visit

About EngenuitySC
Headquartered in Columbia, S.C., EngenuitySC is a public-private partnership focused on enhancing our region’s economic competitiveness and prosperity. Through collaboration with business, government, higher education and community leaders, EngenuitySC builds partnerships and measures success around five indicators of competitive communities: innovative capacity, talent, entrepreneurial/business environment, livability and strong industry clusters. Through our innovative process, unique vision and ability to create a plan and deliver results, EngenuitySC is working to build a more competitive and prosperous Midlands region. For more information, visit

About the SmartState® Program
The SmartState® Program serves the public interest by creating incentives for the state’s research universities, in cooperation with other institutions of higher education in the state, to raise capital from non-state sources to fund endowments for specialized research professorships. These professorships in turn serve as the nucleus for unique, university-based research centers which cultivate critical, public-private industrial partnerships, expand the state’s knowledge base, create well-paying jobs, and enhance economic opportunities and improve the quality of life for the people of South Carolina. For more information, visit

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