Is it Time to Spring Clean your Life?

March 20, 2015


By Sherry Williams
Certified Life Coach


A recent article on says the following, “If the only thing that fits in your garage is your cars, spring-cleaning time could not have come too soon. Clear out the clutter and establish some designated spaces. You’ll enjoy your new and improved layout for seasons to come.”

What about the clutter in your life? Should you go through some things that are going on with you and just get rid of stuff that’s bringing you down?

The following are three things to consider:


1.   Identify Relationships that No Longer Benefit You

Think about the people in your life – for example, your partner, friends, and co-workers. Are these relationships providing you the love and support you need and want? It could be time to make certain changes about the people around you.

2.   Uncover Familiar, but Bad Patterns

We all follow patterns from our past that are comfortable and familiar to us. At times, you may have made certain decisions that didn’t turn out as well as you thought. As you are thinking about these choices that you’ve made, you will begin to realize which behaviors no longer benefit your well-being and will be drawn to better choices for yourself. Throw those old patterns away!

3.   Identify Unresolved Emotions that Can Weigh You Down

Many of us don’t realize that our unresolved emotions can cause lots of stress to our bodies and even make us physically sick. If you cannot find someone to talk to, write your thoughts down on paper. Getting all those negative emotions out can help you de-stress and clear your mind.

As Martha says, “Knowing how to tackle a spot or spill is the first step toward removing it.”


About the Author

Sherry Williams is a Certified Life Coach in the Midlands who specializes in relationships. She is the author of What’s Inside Your Bag, Baby? An Awareness Guide to the Jeans (Genes) You May Be Wearing.

Sherry plans to be on Oprah some day. Until then, she is taking new clients and is available as an inspirational speaker. Give her a call at 803.206.4589 or email her at [email protected]. You can also go to her website: