Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission Awarded $7.9M SCIIP Grant for Laurens County Hospital Area Water System Improvements

May 2, 2023

The Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission (LCWSC) is pleased to announce it has received $7.9 Million in grant funding from the South Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) to assist with improvements for clean drinking water. The S.C. Infrastructure Investment Program (SCIIP) was created by RIA as a major, one-time initiative designed to have a transformative impact on water, wastewater and stormwater systems in small and disadvantaged communities as well as larger, growing communities using federal funds allocated by the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

Specifically, the SCIIP grant awarded to LCWSC will fund the Laurens County Hospital Area Water System Improvements Project to replace aging infrastructure and increase capacity for the area serving much of the central part of the County, between the County’s municipal centers, along US 76 and I-385, which include the hospital and medical services hub of Laurens County. The project will also allow LCWSC to better support the City of Clinton, if necessary, through an emergency interconnection between the two water systems.

System capacity is perhaps the largest single measurable impact of this project. This will provide increased system capacity in the Milam Road area to support the central part of Laurens County along the Hwy. 76 corridor, Hwy. 72 corridor and I-385 between the City of Laurens and the City of Clinton. System capacity in the Hospital Zone will also be increased by 165%.

“The LCWSC team cannot over emphasize the tremendous benefit this funding will provide by increasing capacity and improving resiliency to a critical part of our service area.” said Jeff Field, Executive Director at LCWSC. “We are grateful to everyone involved to make this a reality, allowing our team to utilize these funds and create far-reaching impact for those we serve.”

About Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission:

The mission of the Laurens County Water & Sewer Commission (LCWSC) is to ensure that our customers are provided with a sustainable supply of safe, quality drinking water and to provide environmentally sound wastewater collection and treatment services. Our dedication to our industry, customers and community will be evident through our operations, outreach initiatives and efficiency of services while maintaining a continued focus on supporting the infrastructure for effective economic growth. To learn more about Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission, visit