LS3P’S Charleston office recognizes outstanding team members

May 11, 2016

LS3P congratulates six Charleston team members who were recently recognized for exemplary efforts. Architect Steve Ramos, AIA, LEED AP, takes on a new role as Associate Principal.  Ramos, who joined the firm in 2008, has developed a diverse portfolio of designs for hospitality, multifamily residential, corporate, and mixed use projects. He earned both a Bachelor of Architecture and a Master of Architecture from the University of Maryland at College Park; his Buildings Are Cool blog has generated meaningful and ongoing discussion about Charleston’s built environment and the field of architecture.

Designer Nikos Katsibas, LEED AP BD + C and architect Lindsey Stang, AIA, GGP, were both recognized as Senior Associates. Katsibas, who joined the firm in 2003, has a background in both architecture and engineering, and has extensive experience in the hospitality, K-12 education, and multifamily residential project areas. Stang, who joined the firm in 2011, specializes in designs for healthcare and is also highly skilled at graphic communication.

Architect Emily Clark, AIA; designer Kameron King, Associate AIA; and architect Ted Risch, AIA all joined the firm in 2013 and were recognized as Associates. Clark, a graduate of Virginia Tech, has worked with multifamily residential and hospitality projects. King, a graduate of UNC-Charlotte, has worked in the multifamily residential and federal sector. Risch, a graduate of the University of Memphis, has worked with the firm’s commercial and federal sectors.

These recognitions were announced at a firmwide meeting on May 10, 2016, and honor the consistent excellence, dedication, and passion of each of these team members.


Established in 1963, LS3P provides architecture, interior architecture, and planning services nationwide with offices in Charleston, Charlotte, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, Raleigh, Savannah, and Wilmington. LS3P is deeply committed to the communities in which it serves, and has been honored with over 470 design awards in diverse practice areas.  For more information, visit