Marketing Strategies, Inc. to provide PR services for Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art

May 17, 2016

Marketing Strategies, Inc. has been selected to provide public relations services for the 26nd Annual Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art. The Agency will work closely with Strand Media Group, the Festival’s managing organization, to coordinate all promotional efforts along the Grand Strand and additional South Carolina markets including Greenville, Florence, Charleston and Columbia.

“We are happy to announce our ongoing partnership with Marketing Strategies, Inc.,” said Executive Director, Delores Blount. “We have worked side by side for many years. Their involvement has proven to be an important factor in the Festival’s success. They understand the significance of this event to the arts and its impact on our local economy and culture. We have seen the benefits of a strong PR campaign and fully trust their expertise to produce great results.”

The Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art has long been recognized as the premier arts event for Horry and Georgetown counties. Since its inception in 1991, it has continued to grow in both the quality and variety of performers it attracts, as well as the number of visitors it brings to the area.


About the Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art

The Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art, held at The Reserve Golf Club of Pawleys Island, is a 501(c)(3) which features three weeks of cultural entertainment and musical performances, including a Wine Gala that serves as the event’s primary fundraiser.

For more information and the latest updates on the Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art, along with sponsorship and membership opportunities, visit them online at or call 843-626-8911.

About Marketing Strategies, Inc.

Marketing Strategies, Inc. is a full-service marketing and PR firm offering an integrated approach to marketing, advertising, public relations, and interactive and social media.  Recognized nationwide for their award-winning print and digital campaigns and PR activities, they have twice received the nation’s most prestigious public relations award, the Herbruck-Fritsche Award, as well as the Dave Wilson award recognizing excellence in consumer advertising.  Marketing Strategies has been honored as “One of the Southeast’s Ten Most Reliable Web Design Firms” for five consecutive years.

For more information about Marketing Strategies, Inc. visit them online at or call 843-692-9662.