Meeting Street Academy receives Ozobot donation and 17,640-SF campus expansion

September 7, 2016

Meeting Street Academy students and faculty welcomed the fall 2016 school year with a two-story, 17,640-SF addition to their growing K-5 campus and the donation of Ozobots by Choate Construction Company. The expansion provides needed classroom space for a growing student population and a state-of-the-art turf playground. The Ozobots will be incorporated into one of MSA’s highly acclaimed after school programs, and will offer students an introduction to advanced technology through coding.

Meeting Street Academy received fully-loaded Ozobot Classroom Kits accompanied with Ozobot’s Construction Series Accessory Kits. Ozobots, a miniature programmable robot, introduce children to simple code language through colored code pieces and pathways. The robots offer endless downloadable and customizable lesson plans plus an online forum for children across the globe to share their challenges, accomplishments, and ideas with fellow Ozobot coders. Choate’s donation supports the focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education, providing Meeting Street Academy students an outlet to enhance their programming skills.


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Dirk Bedford, Principal at Meeting Street Academy (Charleston) says, “We are incredibly grateful to Choate Construction for not only providing our students and faculty a beautiful new facility, but also for their generous gift. Technology is an essential tool to education, and Ozobots will enhance learning opportunities and foster interest in programing. This gift will continue to impact our students long after they have left Meeting Street Academy’s doors.”

Nearly 80% of Meeting Street Academy students attend their numerous after-school programs. Meeting Street Academy’s Lego Robotics Team ranked in the top 25% of the 2016 South Carolina FIRST® LEGO® League, an impressive feat considering it was the school’s second year competing. Choate Construction’s in-house VirtualWorks team utilizes innovative virtual construction technology tools each day, pushing the limits of construction management. Because of this kinship, Choate felt a strong connection to Meeting Street Academy’s passion for technology and wanted a way to further support these young students and their interests.

“We have a great appreciation for the wonderful work that takes place at Meeting Street Academy, and are grateful to play a small role in support of their mission. It’s very exciting to expose these young students to our ever-changing digital world at such an early age,” said Matt Brewer, Vice President and Division Manager of Choate’s Charleston division.



Choate Construction Company

As one of the largest general contractors in the Southeast, Choate Construction Company considers its Reputation as its number one asset, with future success founded upon the strength of its client relationships.  Choate Construction excels in both base and interior construction with office locations in Atlanta, Charleston, Charlotte, Raleigh, and Savannah.  Choate strives to lead the industry in financially viable, functional solutions and continually invests in the tools to do so, promoting advances in Safety, Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, LEED® Rating system, and Risk Mitigation.  Please visit for more information. 
Meeting Street Academy

Meeting Street Academy believes in the power of a rigorous and inspiring educational experience to put young people from all economic backgrounds on the path to success. The MSA model of excellence is built upon academic challenge, development of character, and partnership with family. Meeting Street Academy provides under-resources families with a life-changing opportunity for their children to learn what it takes to succeed both inside and outside of the classroom.