Meetings Scheduled with Andres Duany and Team

March 4, 2015

CHARLESTON, SC – Andres Duany and his team at Duany Plater-Zyberk Architects and Town Planners have been engaged by the City of Charleston and the Historic Charleston Foundation to help determine how the City can raise the standard for architecture of new buildings in Charleston.   They will be concentrating on larger commercial, mixed use and residential projects to be built on the main streets such as Meeting Street, King Street, East Bay Street and Morrison Drive.   Among the topics will be how to refine the Board of Architectural Review process.

Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr. said, “Over the next 10 to 15 years we will have many new buildings designed and built in downtown Charleston.   It is essential that these buildings create beauty and activity on our streets and are cherished for generations to come.  There is no one better in the world to help us with this task than Andres Duany and his outstanding team.“

Kitty Robinson, Executive Director of the Historic Charleston Foundation said, “Historic Charleston Foundation, as a preservation organization and an advocate for excellence in the future built environment of Charleston, is proud to partner with the City in bringing Andres Duany and the DPZ team to consult and advise on this all important process for our historic city.”

The general public presentation for this work will be Tuesday evening, March 10 at 5:30 pm in the auditorium at the Charleston Museum.   The conclusion of the week’s work will be a closing presentation on Friday, March 13 at 10 am in the auditorium at the Charleston Museum.   These presentations are open to the public.
