Midlands housing initiatives awarded $4.1M in HUD Continuum of Care Funding

April 20, 2023

United Way of the Midlands and the Midlands Area Consortium for the Homeless (MACH) announced that over $4.1 million has been awarded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for continuing and new permanent housing in the Midlands. This includes two new grants that will support expanded housing units.

MACH is the local CoC organization in the Midlands which includes 13 counties: Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland and York. United Way of the Midlands is the lead agency for MACH and coordinates and submits the annual federal HUD grant that supports nearly 400 individuals and families in housing each year.

“We are very pleased to announce these awards for the Midlands area,” said Sara Fawcett, President & CEO of United Way of the Midlands. “Affordable housing is a critical gap in the Midlands and these units support our most vulnerable people who are experiencing homelessness in regaining their stability. We are grateful for our strong community partners to implement these programs so together we can provide these homes to the community.”

HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) grants provide permanent housing and services to quickly rehouse people experiencing homelessness to minimize trauma and improve self-sufficiency.

New projects awarded in the Midlands:
• One80 Place—This new rapid rehousing project expands established services by adding 5 units and will serve veterans, youth, families, people experiencing chronic homelessness, and persons with substance use disorders. $91,092.
• Sistercare – Rapid Rehousing. The program will provide at least 10 homeless domestic violence survivors and 20 of their children with an opportunity to live free of violence. $321,197.
Total: $412,289

The remaining $3.6 million awarded will support 18 homeless projects in the Midlands, providing permanent housing and supportive services to individuals and families in need. $130,839 was granted to United Way of the Midlands to provide area-wide MACH infrastructure support.

According to the 2022 SC State of Homelessness Report, 68% of individuals seeking services in South Carolina came from literal homelessness. Additionally, the number of persons receiving homeless services recorded in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) increased by 18% in just 12 months. These statistics demonstrate the urgent need for funding for homeless initiatives in the state.

“Increased funding for homeless initiatives is essential to help provide basic necessities and support services to those experiencing homelessness,” said Julie Plane, MACH Board Chair. “This funding will also help address the growing need for housing solutions and create opportunities for long-term stability and independence.”

HUD recently awarded a total of $13.4 million to fund 59 local homeless programs operating across the state of S.C.

The Midlands Area Consortium for the Homeless is the community’s network of providers and others working together to end homelessness. For more information about the Midlands Area Consortium for the Homeless, please visit www.midlandshomeless.com or contact Brenda Santiago, United Way of the Midlands’ Director of Homeless Services, at [email protected] or at (803) 733-5447.


About United Way of the Midlands

United Way of the Midlands is the most collaborative, efficient and accountable model for investing in the improvement of the Midlands community. With nearly 70 Community Impact Partners, United Way works to identify and respond to the critical human service needs of Calhoun, Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg and Richland counties. Funds are raised through workplace campaigns, grant writing and individual donations and are directed to creating generational change by breaking cycles of crisis and empowering people to build their own paths to success. For more information, please visit uway.org.