Mullikin’s military experience makes him best candidate for Congress

February 11, 2017

Commentary by Col. Steven B. Vitali, USMC (Ret.)


Having read W. Thomas Smith Jr’s piece [re: Tom Mullikin announces run for U.S. Congress] and having researched those running, it is clear to me who is the most-qualified candidate in the race for the 5th District in South Carolina.

Mullikin is the ideal candidate. He is the one who is best equipped to effectively represent and advocate for his constituents in Congress. And as a retired Marine officer, I say this without reservation. There are several reasons why.

First, Mullikin is an ardent patriot, noted scholar, renowned author, skilled athlete, and a seasoned military professional. He possesses a unique and proven track-record of dedicated service, in-depth experience, and significant expertise that will culminate in his internal aide and guidepost as he tackles the gauntlet of Congressional legislative breastworks.

As Congressman, Mullikin will no-doubt convey to the halls of Congress a new sense of urgency, an unbridled faithfulness to his oath of office, and the steadfastness of his conservative convictions in the stewardship of laws he helps promulgates.

Mullikin is no ordinary citizen-soldier. He amplifies his extensive resume with a wealth of major achievements, prestigious national awards, and notable public service. His distinguished military career includes: His service as a U.S. Army Reserve Judge Advocate Officer; a military prosecutor; and as commander of the S.C. State Guard. He firmly believes in the historical legacy of citizen-soldier and advocates term-limits for members of Congress.

Second, Mullikin has had – and continues to have – an illustrious civilian career as a S.C attorney specializing in Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). He is a renowned prominent environmental expert who has led numerous environmental expeditions across the globe; lectured at eminent universities to include Oxford, Trinity, and Edinburgh; produced environmental documentaries; and has authored award-winning, environmental publications.

Mullikin is a gladiator in the arena of excellence. He serves as a Richland County Sheriff’s Department rescue diver; an expert mountaineer; an Army Fitness Trainer; a Black Belt self-defense instructor, and he has completed various FEMA training programs receiving FEMA certifications.

As demonstrated above, he is uniquely qualified. Additionally, his unimpeachable character, thorough knowledge, and sound expertise place him to the forefront of all other candidates.

Why the need to send a military veteran to Congress?

Today, around 20 percent of military veterans now constitute membership in Congress. It was reported in the American Legion records of 1976 that 77 percent of Congress was composed of military veteran members. Veterans in Congress are embedded with a keen sense and awareness of the absolute necessity of maintaining a powerful military. With so few veterans in Congress, the failed lessons of old are repeated.

Congress must never falter, nor wane in fulfilling their faithful duty to ensure the safety and security of the American people. Regardless of cost, Congress must sustain and maintain a muscular military in order to deter foreign aggression and to enhance our national influence abroad.

To a veteran, it’s not just about beans, bullets, and band aids; but the resources required to ensure our national security, to complete our mission, and to bring home our warriors with as few casualties as possible. The perilous “Sequestration” shortfalls will require steadfast years of funding resources to overcome and many more American servicemen will die on battlefields than needed to occur otherwise.

Fortunately, Pres. Trump supports a robust military buildup and he will require the aid of veterans in Congress, such as those like Tom Mullikin, who will appreciate and advocate decisively for the appropriate budgetary funding levels.

Currently, the proposed military funding forecasted is inadequate to the needs of the military.

What is our national urgency? We stand at a critical apex in our nation’s history.

America stands engaged in military conflicts against Jihadist terrorists on multiple continents. We are confronted by formidable adversaries. Russia embarks on a territorial expansion into the Baltic States with its invasion and annexation of Crimea; its occupation of Ukraine; and ongoing aggression threatening our NATO allies in Eastern Europe. China has laid claim to the sovereignty of the South China Sea, militarized the Spratly Islands and threatens our U.S. allies in the region and the critical flow of shipping and commerce therein.

We are confronted by an arms race in the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Tensions have exacerbated as North Korea and Iran race on the verge of developing Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) platforms capable of carrying nuclear payloads targeting the U.S. mainland.

In the backdrop of stringent foreign challenges, we are faced with porous open borders and a disastrous budgetary “sequestration” mandated by Congress and President Obama that severely crippled our U.S. military combat readiness to pre-WWII status.

As part of the larger military picture, South Carolina is home to major military installations directly impacted by the loss of funding for the maintenance, care and services to its large active, Reserve, retired and otherwise veteran military communities.

Tom Mullikin stands resolute, ready and extremely qualified to serve the 5th Congressional District, our state, and our nation. And the citizens of the 5th District, should support his candidacy for Congress.


– South Carolina-native Col. Steven B. Vitali, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.), is a decorated U.S. Marine officer, a veteran of both the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a former senior advisor to the 201st Afghan National Army Corps and commanding officer of the 201st Afghan Regional Corps Advisory Group.