National Forensic League Recognizes Chuck Nicholas

August 17, 2015

Award Given Only Five Times in 90 Years


GREENVILLE, SC – The National Forensic League Speech and Debate Honor Society (NFL) has awarded Chuck Nicholas the NFL Distinguished Service Plaque – Eighth Honors.

Nicholas, a resident of Mauldin, received 400 credited citations and is one of only five out of tens of thousands of forensic coaches to earn this remarkable honor since 1925. During his 31 years at Bob Jones Academy, Chuck has taught numerous courses including Bible, speech, debate and drama.

The Distinguished Service Award was initiated by Bruno E. Jacob, NFL Founder, to reward exemplary coaches who sponsor new chapters, serve as a district or national officer, write for Rostrum, host and/or manage tournaments, and speak or write about speech education.

“Chuck Nicholas is heart and soul of the BJA forensics program,” said Dr. Dan Nelson, administrator of BJA. “With his indefatigable spirit, he challenges students to give their best in all that they do. Alumni lawyers, judges, politicians, and preachers point back to ‘Mr. Nic’ as the one who launched them in their speaking proficiencies.”

Founded in 1927, BJA is one of the largest Christian schools in South Carolina. BJA strives to produce academic and spiritual excellence in the lives of its K4 through twelfth grade students.