New Omatic App Safely Merges Duplicate Records In The Raisers Edge®

September 16, 2014

MergeOmatic uses similarity scoring to accurately identify and automatically merge duplicates in bulk

CHARLESTON, SC – Omatic Software, a Blackbaud partner and three-time Inc. 500|5000-winning solutions provider, announced today the release of MergeOmatic, a duplicate record solution for The Raiser’s Edge available in AppOmatic.

MergeOmatic works within The Raisers Edge to identify potential duplicate records based on a configurable similarity score.  Using a point system, organizations can weight constituent information that they deem most important for flagging records as duplicates.

“MergeOmatic’s advanced search accurately presents all of the duplicates in an easy to review format that allows us to confirm and merge them in bulk,” said Amy Barker, Raiser’s Edge Specialist and Membership Operations Manager for The Trustees of Reservations.  “This will save us countless hours of staff time, decrease mailing costs, and increase confidence in our data.”

A configurable “survivor score” suggests which record should survive the merge and which record should be eliminated.  The survivor score could be based off points assigned to highest total giving, most recent address update, and most recent event registration.

MergeOmatic also logs the details from the merged records, keeping the original information and preventing potential data loss.

“We kept hearing from Raiser’s Edge users that duplicate records are one of their most frustrating and expensive problems,” said Jeffrey Montgomery, Managing Partner of Omatic Software. “The hard part is allowing for quick review of the less certain matches or high value constituents, while automatically merging everyone else. We built MergeOmatic to solve this challenge.”

Value added:

– Maintain accurate database and decrease postal costs

– Provide a complete picture of a donor, with all information housed in one record

– Save time by bulk merging groups of duplicates at once

– Be confident that data is not lost while merging records


Solution highlights:

– Easily identify and preview all duplicate records from your database

– Bulk merge records that are clearly duplicates

– Permanently mark non-duplicates as “Not a Duplicate”

– Set criteria to select the survivor record when merging constituents

– Log details from the merged record to maintain an audit trail


Learn more about MergeOmatic:


About Omatic Software

Omatic Software, a three-time Inc. 500|5000-winning solutions provider and the highest ranked nonprofit-focused software company on the 2014 Inc. 500|5000 list, develops integrated software solutions to enhance, extend and streamline Blackbaud software, including The Raiser’s Edge and Financial Edge suites. Founded in 2002, Omatic Software boasts over 300 years of combined nonprofit experience. Omatic Software has helped over 1,700 nonprofit organizations better utilize resources by providing innovative tools to eliminate manual processes, resulting in significant time and cost savings.

For more information on Omatic Software, visit, call (888) 662-8426 or email[email protected].