Nonprofit leaders and board members gather at Shine the Light Forum

October 4, 2015
GREENVILLE, SC — DNA Creative Communications (DNA), in partnership with Community Foundation of Greenville, United Way of Greenville County and Hollingsworth Funds, hosted “Leading with an Exceptional Board: Moving from Transactional to Transformational,” part of DNA’s annual Shine the Light Nonprofit Forums, on Sept. 30.

“We are excited to see so many nonprofit leaders eager to tap into the full potential of their board to make a positive impact on their organization,” said Debbie Nelson, DNA president and founder of Shine the Light. “Now more than ever, nonprofits are faced with greater competition for limited resources in communities with increasing needs. An organization must have high-performing board members who are engaged in such challenges in order to fulfill its mission, ensure sustainability and retain relevance.”

More than 90 executive directors and nonprofit leaders gathered at Shine the Light to learn, collaborate and plan with their board members. Keynote speaker Susan Meier, nationally-recognized nonprofit governance professional and principal at Meier & Associates, traveled from Washington, D.C. to share her expertise on board development and leadership. Attendees explored key attributes of an exceptional board, establishing a constructive partnership between boards and chief executives, and strategies for developing a transformational board to achieve the long-term vision of an organization and ensure sustainability for the future.

DNA will host a second Shine the Light session, “Leading with an Exceptional Team,” on Nov. 17, featuring Patrick Jinks, president of the Jinks Perspective Group, certified leadership coach, professional speaker, facilitator, planner and trainer.

For more information on Shine the Light or to register for “Leading with an Exceptional Team,” visit or call Debbie Nelson at (864) 235-0959 ext. 101.

Shine the Light Nonprofit Forums
Shine the Light Nonprofit Forums is an annual series of educational workshops presented by DNA Creative Communications in partnership with the Community Foundation of Greenville, United Way of Greenville County and the Hollingsworth Funds. National, regional and local nonprofit experts present compelling workshops on topics such as leadership development, strategic planning, financial stewardship, fund development and communications. Programs are designed for nonprofit professionals and their board members to gain the insight and skills to manage sustainable organizations. Since its launch in 2010, more than 1,300 participants, 375 organizations, 144 presenters and 25 community partners have attended and supported Shine the Light Nonprofit Forums. To learn more, visit