Outstanding leadership program for youth is accepting applications!

April 21, 2016

Youth Corps is a dynamic leadership training experience for thirty-six outstanding 9th and 10th grade students (this means male and female 8th & 9th graders would apply for next year) in Richland & Lexington Counties that a national leadership association described as unlike any other opportunity in the country… right here in the Midlands.

Youth Corps partners with the community to unleash the leadership potential of youth and to instill the values of leadership and professionalism through dynamic community interaction.

Students start their own businesses (this year’s students grossed over $20,000 in sales and gave back over $2,000 to various nonprofits and charities from their own money), help to pass an actual bill at the State House, help victims of crime, meet with young people behind the fence at DJJ, work with Columbia’s non-profits, interact with the world of journalism, and much more as they develop as leaders and acquire the big picture of our city.

Youth  Corps turns great students into great leaders.  Youth Corps Alumni have gone on to become student body presidents, captains of athletic teams, members of the Supreme Court at their universities, serve on the board of directors of nonprofits and much more.

For more information and to get an application, go to www.youthcorps.net or call Jeff Becraft, Youth Corps Executive Director, at 665-5640.  Application deadline for the next round of interviews is May 13, 2016.

Below is an article written by a Youth Corps student about their experience:

I can honestly say without a doubt that last year’s experience has made such an impact on me.  Before I joined Youth Corps, I was a very quiet person. I wasn’t big on talking in front of crowds or saying what was on my mind.  After Youth Corps, I was the speaker as the school’s orientation and now am on Student Council teaching others the skills I have learned.  Not only did Youth Corps give me confidence, it showed me who I really was.  It brought out the best in me so I would bring out the best in others.  It’s amazing how someone can change so much by going through this.  When I look back on it, before Youth Corps there is no way I would talk in front of crowds or just run to a group to get them motivated. Youth Corps is by far the best decision I have made in my life.

