Perfect times to post on social channels-REALLY?

August 25, 2014

By Holly Rollins


There are several studies, theories and articles floating around about the best times to post on different social media channels. While I don’t dispute the studies and opinions, I’d like to point out that the best time to post on your target channel(s) depends on your audience and your content or message.

According to the Internet marketing firm Fannit, the following information shows when should you post to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Facebook: Best times: Weekdays 6:00-8:00am and 2:00-5:00pm / Worst times: Weekends 10:00pm-4:00am

Twitter: Best times: Weekends 1:00-3:00 pm / Worst times: 8:00pm-8:00am

Google+: Best times: 9:00-11:00am / Worst times: 6:00pm-7:00am

LinkedIn: Best times: 7:00-8:30am, 5:00-6:00pm / Worst times: Monday and Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm

Pinterest: Best times: Saturday, 2:00-4:00am and 8:00-11:00pm / Worst times: 1:00-7:00am and 5:00-7:00pm

If you are doing business-to-business (B to B) marketing, LinkedIn is probably one of your main conduits for sharing posts to your prospects, clients and groups. Lindsey Stemann of Intero says her company can provide a data-driven response about the best times to post, but often they find that most people just need to get in the habit of posting and/or finding and developing content first.

Since Lindsey’s focus is LinkedIn consulting, here are her findings for posting on LinkedIn:

Best Time

Tuesday – Thursday


5pm – 6pm

Worst Time

Mondays & Fridays

10pm – 6am

Let’s say, however, that you are at a trade show or a company event. In this case posting before, during and after a the show is the perfect time to post — of course depending on the content and appropriate timing.

Even if you’re in the consumer business there will be times when you should post more frequently (sales, just before your peak selling seasons, etc). Greenville SC -based 10-x Group always starts with a content marketing plan when consulting with clients on sharing information on social media.

So once again content (and timing) should be your first rule on timing posts, then look at the stats mentioned above for general posting.


holly.rollinsHolly Rollins is the President of 10-x Group in Greenville SC