Rachel DeFoe: The New Development & Operations Coordinator at City Year Columbia

August 16, 2013

COLUMBIA, SC – August 18, 2013 – Over the past twenty years, City Year Columbia has been making a positive impact in the Columbia community. As this long-standing organization celebrates such a momentous milestone, it also welcomes a new Development and Operations coordinator, Rachel DeFoe.

Ms. DeFoe graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio with a B.A. in Political Science and International Studies. While in school, she interned for the UK Parliament, worked in refugee camps to promote Human Rights in Rwanda, and volunteered with a range of organizations including: Catholic Charities, the San Antonio Coalition Against Genocide, and South China Seas, which was founded by the Former US Ambassador to the UN, Sichan Siv, and his wife, Martha Pattillo Siv.

After graduation, Rachel began her corps year with City Year San Antonio and volunteered fulltime as a tutor, mentor, and role model in a local struggling middle school. In her corps year, she served as the Events and Development Coordinator for her team, worked on several service project committees, and was selected to be one of the faces of City Year’s national marketing Twitter campaign, #makebetterhappen.

Due to her corps year, Rachel DeFoe gained a passion for City Year’s Mission of national service to our next generation of leaders, and is overjoyed to be embarking on such an amazing opportunity with the City Year Columbia Team.

Please help City Year Columbia welcome its newest staff member, and celebrate twenty years of service to the Columbia community!