Riley award selection committee named

November 16, 2014

CHARLESTON, SC- Elizabeth Colbert Busch, chair of the Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Vision Award, announced the selection committee slated to meet on Thursday, November 20, to decide the inaugural recipient of the award, a citation to the Charleston mayor’s 15-year tenure as honorary chairman of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Business and Professional Breakfast, sponsored by the YWCA Greater Charleston and the City of Charleston. The annual award will be first presented at the January 20, 2015 breakfast event at the Charleston Marriot Hotel, 170 Lockwood Boulevard.

colbert.busch“Assembling this committee attracted avid responses from invitees who pillar the business, education, and social fabric of our community,” said Colbert Busch, director of business development for the Clemson University Restoration Institute. “I am confident that our selection committee will name a recipient who reflects model corporate citizenship, outstanding community service and a commitment to diversity.”

Other committee members include: George J. Bullwinkel, Jr., senior vice president, SCANA Corporation; Dr. David J. Cole, president, Medical University of South Carolina; Bryan Derreberry, chief executive officer, Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce; David Ginn, chief executive officer, Charleston Regional Development Alliance; Carolyn D. Hunter, president, C&A Unlimited, Inc.; Wilbur E. Johnson, Esq., managing partner, Young Clement Rivers LLP; Dr. Nancy Muller, director, Lowcountry Graduate Center; Neil C. Robinson, Esq., Nexsen Pruet; Lieutenant General John W. Rosa, president, The Citadel; James M. Waddell V, vice president of administration, American College of the Building Arts; Honorable Lucille S. Whipper, Former State Representative; Anita Zucker, chief executive officer, The InterTech Group, Inc.

The committee will announce the award recipient selection at a 1:45 p.m. press conference immediately following their November 20 meeting at SCE&G Energy Innovation Center, 1253 Supply Street, North Charleston. The actual award, a 24” x 20” solid bronze perpetual wall plaque with a relief of Mayor Riley etched into the bronze, will be unveiled at the press event, open to the public.

For more information visit or call the YWCA at 843-722-1644.