Riley Institute and OLLI spotlight higher ed in summer series

June 15, 2016

The Riley Institute at Furman and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) will present the closing session of their three-part series, “Education for Life: Working together to fulfill the promise of education,” Tuesday, June 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Shaw Hall of the Younts Conference Center on the Furman campus.

Part three, “Reframing Higher Education for a Changing Society,” looks at the changing demographics of South Carolina in the coming years—the challenges and opportunities societal change presents, the role of higher education in response to change, and initiatives which increase access to education beyond high school.

The cost for the session is $15.

Headlining the program is Michael Usdan, Ph.D., president emeritus and senior fellow at the Institute for Educational Leadership (Washington). Dr. Usdan will discuss the impact of South Carolina’s changing demographics on the state and its institutions of higher education.

Three-minute “Snapshot” presentations will illustrate community efforts to open doors to higher education. Initiatives presented are Bridges to a Brighter Future, Greenville Tech’s community outreach, Medical Experience Academy, and college within prison walls.

Sessions are moderated by Scott Henderson, Ph.D., Furman’s William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Education.

A detailed schedule of events with speaker bios and registration information is available at the Riley Institute website. Or contact OLLI at (864) 294-2998.