Santee Cooper Releases 2008 Environmental Annual Report

April 22, 2009

To coincide with Earth Day, Santee Cooper is releasing its 2008 Environmental Report.

MONCKS CORNER, SC — April 22, 2009 – Entitled “Elemental,” the report illustrates the significant progress Santee Cooper made in 2008 to use nature’s four elements (earth, fire, water and wind) toward the utility’s goal to generate 40 percent of its electricity by 2020 from non-greenhouse gas emitting resources, biomass fuels, energy efficiency and conservation. Santee Cooper launched or advanced initiatives in biomass, solar, hydro and wind energy last year.

The report also features an interview with Marc Tye, Santee Cooper’s vice president of conservation and renewable energy, in which he reflects on the strides his department has made since it was created in October 2007.

“Santee Cooper made significant advancements last year in our commitment to renewable energy, with the opening of a new landfill biogas Green Power generating station, the dedication of several new Green Power Solar Schools, the announcement of plans to purchase power from a biomass generating plant, the launch a new solar research initiative and the installation of new wind energy research towers in Georgetown and Horry counties,” Tye said. “Among our other highlights, we recycled more than 1 million tons of combustion byproducts and gave away more than 800,000 energy-efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs to our customers. We had a great year, and we’ve carried that momentum into 2009.” 

The 2008 Environmental Annual Report is being published as an online PDF, and the public can view it at or the main Web site,

Santee Cooper

Santee Cooper is South Carolina’s state-owned electric and water utility and the state’s largest power producer, supplying electricity to more than 163,000 retail customers in Berkeley, Georgetown and Horry counties, as well as to 30 large industrial facilities, the cities of Bamberg and Georgetown, and the Charleston Air Force Base. Santee Cooper also generates the power distributed by the state’s 20 electric cooperatives to more than 700,000 customers in all 46 counties. Approximately 2 million South Carolinians receive their power directly or indirectly from Santee Cooper. The utility also provides water to 137,000 consumers in Berkeley and Dorchester counties, and the town of Santee. For more information, visit For information on how Santee Cooper lives green and how you can go green, visit