SCE&G observes National Energy Action Month, shares energy efficiency tips with customers

October 20, 2016

October is National Energy Action Month, and in observance, SCE&G is reminding customers of tips and programs to make their homes more energy efficient. “The national observance provides a great opportunity for us to educate our customers on ways to make their homes more energy efficient,” said Therese Griffin, manager of SCE&G’s demand side management and energy efficient programs.

“We encourage customers to visit our website and follow us on social media for tips and information throughout the month. We also want to remind SCE&G customers of our free Home Energy Check-ups and other tools to improve their home energy efficiency this fall and year-round.”

In preparation for the colder months ahead, SCE&G is reminding all customers of tips they can use to manage heating costs:

  • Set the thermostat at 68°F or lower during colder months. Each degree above 68° can significantly increase your heating bill. It is a common misconception that it takes more energy to heat up a house, so turn down the thermostat when you are away for several hours.
  • Consider installing a programmable thermostat that automatically lowers the temperatures even further than 68° overnight or while no one is at home.
  • Caulk around windows and replace old weather stripping around doors to keep the cold air out.
  • Check air filters monthly, and change when dirty.
  • Check your duct work for leaks and tears.

SCE&G also has launched a new offer on energy efficient light bulbs this month. Customers can visit the company’s online EnergyWise Savings Store and receive free shipment on their purchase of 15 ENERGY STAR-qualified bulbs. More information on the offer, energy efficiency tips and other programs can be found online at Follow SCE&G on Twitter at @scegnews or on Facebook at for the latest energy efficiency offers and tips.


About SCE&G

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company is a regulated public utility engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity to approximately 706,000 customers in 24 counties in the central, southern and southwestern portions of South Carolina. The company also provides natural gas service to approximately 352,000 customers in 38 counties in the state.