South Carolina Department of Education releases End-of-Course and Career Readiness Assessments

September 19, 2023

The South Carolina Department of Education has released statewide public school results for the Career Readiness and End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) assessment tests taken for high school courses in the school year 2022-2023.

“The trends we see in this year’s EOCEP test results align with recently-released SC Ready data – South Carolina students have seen marked gains in ELA compared with pre-pandemic data and continue to struggle with Math,” said Ellen Weaver, State Superintendent of Education.

Weaver continued:

“I’m particularly concerned that nearly 40 percent of students received a failing score on the U.S. History exam. Our future depends upon citizens with knowledge deeply rooted in our shared story and America’s exceptional founding ideals. That’s why a strong focus on civics education will be an ongoing priority of my administration. Over the past two weeks, our Department has announced two civics-based competitions. The first invites students to stand in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “symbolic shadow” to deliver a speech outlining their American dream for our shared future; the second encourages students to create an exemplary community service project that aligns with Constitutional principles and solves a problem through non-profit and/or for-profit enterprise.

“South Carolina’s twin state mottos perfectly illuminate the path ahead: the hope (confident expectation) we have for each of our students will propel the hard work (preparation in mind and resources) it will take to face our challenges, build on our successes, and equip every child to reach their full, God-given potential.”

End-of-Course Examination Program

The End-of-Course Examination Program provides tests in high school core courses and for courses taken in middle school for high school credit. The EOCEP tests the following subject areas: Algebra 1; English 2; US History and the Constitution; and Biology 1.

The EOCEP encourages instruction in the specific academic standards for the courses, encourages student achievement, and documents the level of students’ mastery of South Carolina’s academic standards. Additionally, EOCEP examination scores count 20 percent in the calculation of the student’s final grade in gateway courses.


The mean score for Algebra 1 increased from 68.12 in 2022 to 69.12 in 2023, surpassing the pre-pandemic mean score of 68.34 in 2019.

English 2 mean scores jumped to 77.65 in 2023 from 76.52 in 2022.

Biology 1 and U.S. History means scores also increased in 2022 but remained lower than in 2019.

EOCEP data by subject showed mixed results. While the number of students scoring F decreased in all subjects but English 2, the percentage of F scores remains significant in Algebra 1 (31.55%), Biology 1 (40.81%), and U.S. History (39.14%). Nearly 16% of students taking the English 2 EOCEP exam scored F.

South Carolina Career Ready Test

The South Carolina Career Ready Test is a career readiness test administered to all eleventh-grade students to measure the most common skills that employers define as foundational for career readiness. Students are assessed in four key areas: soft skills, math, reading, and data. This is the first year that this particular career readiness assessment has been given, so there is no exact comparative data to results of previous years.

South Carolina shifted from the certificate level descriptors provided by assessment vendors to a more definitive statement of job readiness based on the U.S. Department of Labor O*NET Job Zones. Career ready credentials are issued for students who have earned an achievement level 2-5. The levels are defined as follows:

  • Achievement Level 5 – Learner has foundational skills to pursue 100% of O*NET Job Zones
  • Achievement Level 4 – Learner has foundational skills to pursue 83% of O*NET Job Zones
  • Achievement Level 3 – Learner has foundational skills to pursue 59% of O*NET Job Zones
  • Achievement Level 2 – Learner has foundational skills to pursue 35% of O*NET Job Zones

The Soft Skills Assessment test reports results for the percentage of students who Pass or Fail instead of differentiated achievement levels.

State, School District, and School Level Data for EOCEP and Career Readiness assessments can be accessed by visiting EOCEP assessment data and Career Readiness assessment data.