South Carolina Pastors Alliance Calls for Immediate Resignation of Senator Lindsey Graham

February 28, 2016

The Executive Council of the South Carolina Pastors Alliance (The Alliance), called for the immediate resignation of Senator Lindsey Graham from the office of Senator from South Carolina in the Senate of the United States of America

The remarks suggesting the killing of Senator Ted Cruz on the floor of the senate without due consequence were inappropriate and unbecoming of a person who holds this high office. Senator Graham’s words suggest a disregard for the rule of law and subsequent justice, which is in direct opposition to his senatorial duty to create the laws by which our citizens are governed. His distasteful comments show a flagrant disrespect for his constituency and the sacred office which he holds. He has spoken egregiously toward a fellow senator and, in so doing, has embarrassed and misrepresented the good people of South Carolina.

The Alliance feels that Senator Graham has, with these remarks, betrayed his duties as senator and has forfeited his ability to best represent the people of South Carolina. The Alliance is calling for Senator Graham’s immediate resignation so that the good citizens of this state can be represented by someone who maintains a level of respectability, civility, and integrity, all of which Senator Graham irrevocably breeched with his disgraceful comment.

The citizens of South Carolina deserve better than he are capable of providing after such an irresponsible outburst.

The Alliance is a network of Christian leaders who have come together to advance and defend the cause of family, faith, and freedom throughout our state and engage our culture with biblical values.