Supporting Mom and Pop Businesses in Laurens County

March 29, 2021
Monday, March 29th was “National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day.”
If you didn’t know it, no worries. Here are some ways you can support the “mom and pop business owners” in Laurens County:
1. Shop local – Support the small business in your community by searching them out and frequenting them often. Hear about an interesting local spot? Go on an adventure to check it out, then tell all your friends!
2. Use social media – Most small businesses are happy to get a little extra attention. Make sure to follow your favorites on all their social media platforms and promote them whenever possible.
3. Write a “thank you” note – Running a small business is really hard work. If there’s a special Mom and Pop shop you care about, take a moment to write a note to let the owners and employees know how much you appreciate all the effort and care they put into making your experience wonderful.
But we don’t need one day to show our support for locally owned businesses, let’s do it every day!