Talented Speaker – Mental Health and Perseverance

December 20, 2016

Dennis Gillan is now bringing his heartfelt talk on suicide prevention to businesses throughout South Carolina. Dennis is on a mission to reverse the current trends of completed suicides in America and to seriously reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues. There is a real leadership message contained within this keynote speech and is suitable for schools, businesses, rotary clubs, and any other organization that needs to hear a real message of hope and perseverance.

Dennis lost two brothers to suicide, eleven years apart, and after years of sitting on the sidelines he is now telling his tale of recovery and how a corporate employee assistance program (EAP) got him back on his feet. Suicide in the workplace is a real issue and Dennis uses his experience to drive home the point that there is no shame in seeking help regarding issues concerning your mental health.

This is a talk all employees should hear and to see more go to his website here: www.dennisgillan.com