The Best Hangover Cures in Columbia

January 17, 2014

By Jillian Owens
January 17, 2014

Happy 2014! If your New Year’s Eve was anything like mine (I do love a good party), you probably woke up feeling not quite well. Your head was pounding, your stomach churned, and you probably spent much of the day in bed.

You poor thing.

I’ve been there. Oh dear. Believe me, I’ve been there. But after years of over-imbibing, I’ve learned a trick or two about how to recover as quickly as possible. I mean, who wants to lose an entire day due to a little celebration the night before?

Here are some of my favorite hangover cures!

Hangover Hashbrowns from Cafe Strudel


There’s something magical about this special combination of potatoes, cheese, eggs, bacon, and peppery goodness that just seems to soak up all that alcohol and ickiness and replaces those with feelings of happiness and fatty joy!

Iced Green Tea Latte from Starbucks 


I used to work at Starbucks around the time when I was partying quite hard. My go-to beverage at the time was the Iced Green Tea Latte. While my wild days are done, I still stand by this cure for the occasional night of over-indulgence.

Bibimbap from The Blue Cactus

This might seem like a strange one, but I fully believe in the detoxifying powers of veggies, rice, an egg, and a bit of chili sauce. Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it. Plus, Julie’s wry sense of humor will definitely cheer you from any headachey malaise you may be experiencing.

The Best Hangover Cure Ever in the World

1/2 glass water
1/2 glass Pedialyte
1 Emergen-C packet 

After years of tweaking and refining, I have discovered the perfect hangover cure, my friends. Here is my now not-so-secret recipe:

This mixture of hydration, electrolytes, vitamins, and light orange flavor will cure all that ails you. It’s so fizzy and delightful, you might find yourself making this concoction purely for pleasure rather than as a cure!

The groovy Octopus glass is optional, but highly recommended.

So…there you go, friends. Now, make a New Year’s Resolution to never wallow in the misery of the hangover again!



Jillian Owens is a writer, designer, and eco-fashion revolutionary. A Columbia SC transplant, she graduated from the University of South Carolina with a BFA in Theatre and English. When she’s not gallivanting about, she’s busy refashioning ugly thrift store duds into fashionable frocks at Jillian has been featured on The Rachael Ray Show, Good Afternoon America, ABC Columbia, Jasper Magazine, Skirt, Columbia Metropolitan, The Free Times, Grist, and NYC’s Guest of a Guest. She also reviews local theater productions for Jasper Magazine and Onstage Columbia. 


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